For literature this week, I need to compare two runaways from the book Huckleberry Finn. The first is Huck finn. Huck's father was holding him in a cabin in the woods, Huck was not allowed to leave the cabin, unless his father needed him to do something for him. The other is Jim, Miss Watson's slave. Jim was treated fairly well for a slave, but he ran away because he overheard that Miss Watson was planing to sell him. Now to compare.......
Jim had a lot of freedom for a slave, while Huck on the other hand, was basically being held by his own father, he was not allowed to leave without his dad's permission, and sometimes he was stuck in the cabin for days, sometimes without food. Huck's escape was very witty, he made it look like some one had robbed the house, and murdered him, so no one would look for him. But Jim, just basically ran to the island where he thought no one would find him, he knew people would look for him, and he didn't care. He just didn't want to be sold.
I think that Huck and Jim both were desparate to be freed, Huck from his father, and Jim from slavery. Huck also thought hard about his escape. And well Jim...... not so much.
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